Follow the money and America’s journey from freedom to fascism
By Shoshoni~ June 6th, 2019
Economic reform first requires an understanding of the disease which is ailing America, as a country and human civilization as a whole. Its first cause is the 20 trillion dollar lie that is being told about “America’s Debt Crisis”, by the Fascist State to the American people.
The “Corporate Government” of the United States has used “the American People’s Trust Fund,” to buy up the entire planet while denying the American people the benefits of what they have paid for. Moreover they have been disclosing this information through public records for decades! Unfortunately, because the majority of the American people refuse to look at anything unless it’s fed to them by the “fake news,” they are completely unaware of the facts of the matter asserted.
Is our ongoing economic crisis just another symptom of the class warfare that is being played out across the planet and waged by those in control upon those who actually produce the world’s wealth, that the world’s controllers, take for granted, as being theirs exclusively?
Who controls the world’s riches, land, resources, and infrastructure, and by default, the world’s people? Moreover, how did they manage to pay for it all?
The answer might surprise you. If you are an American taxpayer the answer will likely enrage you as well. However, it would behoove you, to first pay attention, to how many times people in Congress and others in power have said about America’s Internal Revenue System; “income taxes are voluntary!”
The controllers of the world would also be the entities that own and control the world’s investment capital, which has been stolen mainly from the most productive tax payers in the world, “the American people.” They would also be the entities that own and control the world’s debt!
This has not been truthfully reported by the main stream media, since they are owned and paid for, by those who are making a killing through the blind trust and ignorance of the American people.
Like everything else that the Main Stream Media lies about, “America’s Massive National Debt”, has at its roots, the biggest con game ever played, upon an unsuspecting and trusting public. The purpose of this con is, so that those who are its perpetrators can say that it is imperative to disarm the American people and force our Republic into Socialism, in order to “save the country”!
If there were no poor people, Socialism and Communism would be meaningless. Therefore, those who control the narrative, and the world’s power and resources, cannot allow the American people, or any of the so called “common people” to prosper. Thus, they continue to lie, cheat and steal from the people of America and the people of the world.
Furthermore, the “Oligarchs”, who use Government Corporations to hide the money that they have stolen and control, use the best investment advisors that money can buy. Their actual title is the “Government Investment Officers Association” or G.O.I.A. of the United States and Canada. Oh, and who pays them? You guessed it, the hardworking taxpayers of America!
The story that the people who have any awareness of the theft that is going on right under their noses are told, is that, supposedly, these investment officers, are rarely able to balance Federal, State, Municipal, County, and City connected corporate budgets!
However when it comes to making investments with “idle dollars” or “discreetly reported component units”, these investment officers are making the most lucrative investments of all time! They are also making those investments at the expense of the other investors in the stock market! Furthermore, they are using money that belongs to the American people without their knowledge or consent, and not for their benefit!
The investment officers at GOIA bring “insider trading” to stratospheric levels of criminal violations of the Sarbanes Oxley Act and SEC rules.” Moreover these undisclosed investment dollars are from slush funds created from taxpayers’ money, which has been left over from the preceding year for every one of the over two hundred and thirty thousand corporations of the U.S. Federal Government, its connected agencies, and the State and associated governmental entities including the connected Universities of all fifty States.
All of these entities have billions of reasons to dumb down and mislead the public into thinking that America is broke, in debt and ready to collapse economically. No wonder the University system of America is so intent on censoring any thought outside of its maniacal, social justice box, lest someone start to question their wealth, integrity and influence through the mind control of generations of American college students.
The employees of GOIA have been brilliant at investing America’s tax dollars for themselves and their bosses. Their bosses are the globalist, fascist, criminals, who continue to feed at the trough, provided primarily, by North America’s and China’s labor forces. They need to be stopped from stealing any more money from the people of America, and from the people of the world!
America’s Veterans end up homeless or dead from lack of medical care. Our children starve, or go into a lifetime full of debt, paying for their own dumbing down. The border wall remains unfunded and our infrastructure, electrical grid and roads continue to crumble into disrepair.
Virtually every single problem on Earth, including pollution and climate change could be solved! Clean, free energy and perfect health and abundance for everyone would be available and war could become a thing of the past. Yet these bastards demand more and more money but never use what they already have to fix the problems. This con job is full of their lies and excuses for why all of the above is unaffordable! Media non-disclosure, cultural hubris and public ignorance is the reason that “We the American People” are complicit in letting them continue to get away with stealing the riches and abundance of the world from the rest of the world’s inhabitants.
Those who control majority stock ownership are using it to also control these corporations and to finance the candidates of their choice to control the political process and cover up their financial crimes. They are also using politicians to cover-up, violations of all kinds of corporate laws, including, conflicts of interest, ultra-virus acts and violations of campaign finance laws.
Finally, the constitutional issues and abuse of the judicial process can be understood, when Congress gives corporations like Monsanto a free pass and the FDA has become the most dangerous corporate entity to the health of those it was supposed to protect. Instead, they invest, in lucrative pharmaceutical stock with tax payer’s dollars. Those drugs that they invest in which kills Americans, makes “them” money on the stock market, because they are the key players in controlling how valuable that stock becomes.
When the courts fine the pharmaceutical giants for gross negligence, they are fined by the State and that fine comes out of the right pocket of Big Pharma Corp. and into the left pocket of the State and Federal Government Corporation. That’s because they are the majority stock holders of Big Pharma corporate stock. What is even worse is, yet again, the consumer is also fleeced, with price hikes to cover the court costs, damages and fines!
Insider trading information that is used by government employees and politicians, is not even acknowledged as a misdemeanor, since all of the players, are major stockholders in companies like Monsanto, Du Pont, and Merck. Furthermore, insider trading goes far beyond just making money on stock tips! What is actually being created by government intervention and by using the power of government, is the destruction of Capitalism, which is supposed to be based upon; freedom of choice, freedom of information, and the fair and untainted competition, of the marketplace!
Instead of making sure our air, lands, food, water, and medicines are safe the FDA, EPA, Department of Agriculture as just three examples of the entire corporate cabal, have been high jacked and turned into agencies of jack booted thugs who rob Amish Farmers of their raw milk and who deny terminal cancer patients proven safe and effective cancer and other health related therapies such as vitamins and substances in plants like hemp. Moreover, instead of cleaning up the environment they create planet killing scenarios like Fukishima, the Gulf oil spill, the poisoning of Colorado’s Animas River, failure to clean up California’s Rocket Dyne remediation site in order to start the Woolsey fire and the intentional destruction of the entire ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico.
This is happening, while the criminal justice system and the corrupt judiciary hold major stock interest in America’s, for profit, prison system. This prison system has more of its own citizens imprisoned, in slave labor camps, for the use of a plant like hemp, than any other country in the history of the planet.
How does one find the information on who owns the world’s material wealth, represented by stocks, bonds, mutual funds, trusts, land, infrastructure, natural resources and every other form of investment in the material wealth and intellectual properties of the world?
Finding the evidence is actually easy. However, that it is right there in plain sight, albeit “discreetly”, thanks to the Fake News and the Educational System which covers it up, the massive amounts involved and its implementation is almost impossible to fathom!
Moreover, the laws of the United States have codified in the Sarbanes Oxley Act and the rules of the Security and Exchange Commission, the requirement of the publishing an annual financial statement by all Corporations who make investments in public stock offerings in the United States of America. That report is called a “Comprehensive Annual Financial Report”, or CAFR.
All of the information on how wealthy one of these governmental corporations is can be found by searching for the CAFR and the governmental corporation that one is interested in. Once you find the document, go to the enterprise funds accounts, usually in the last third of what amounts to three to five hundred pages of information. This will show you what these governmental, corporate entities are worth through their investments and profit and loss statements.
When you go to the bottom of the page to calculate how much they have netted for that year, be sure to add times one thousand and sometimes times one million to the equation. You will see up in the left hand corner of that page the instruction to multiply the net figures on the bottom of the profit and loss statement. Indeed the profit numbers involved would be too unwieldy for a balance sheet, if all of the zeros needed were added to the page.
To clarify the amount of wealth that we are talking about, it is in the tens of trillions of dollars. Therefore, rather than being in debt, the U.S. government and those who profit from the con, it is playing on the American people, have used “the American People’s Trust Fund” to buy up the planet, without giving the American taxpayer, any of the benefits that they have paid for!
CAFRS should be the ultimate truth that will finally sets us free, however it is our job to look at what is disclosed in the public record every single year, albeit discreetly!
Those who continue to refuse to look at what is right in front of them are consenting to their own enslavement. That consent is affecting the rest of us and it should not be tolerated!
Therefore, to make it easy for the American people to understand, four very talented individuals have summed C.A.F.R.S. up in a nutshell. Please read the quote below, and the information on the following pages and then watch the movie “From Freedom to Fascism” by Aaron Russo on You Tube.
“Every man is equally entitled to protection by law. But when the laws undertake to add... artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges—to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful— the humble members of society—the farmers, mechanics, and laborers, who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their government.” ~Andrew Jackson
The following information is from a 2011 article by brilliant blogger, Clint Richardson, which was inspired through a news story on CNBC entitled “Who holds the U.S.’ debt” and research done by Walter Burien at
“The 10 Biggest Holders of U.S. Debt” as of 2011
Listed as the #1 holder of government debt, just as Walter Burien of has been proclaiming for 20 years… The U.S. Government! Here listed as:
1. Federal Reserve and Intergovernmental Holdings
Total U.S. debt holdings: $6.328 trillion
“That’s right, the biggest single holder of U.S. government debt is the Federal Reserve. The Fed’s system of banks and other U.S. intergovernmental holdings accounted for a stunning $6.328 trillion in U.S. Treasury debt in September 2011 (the most recent number available). The amount is an all-time high as the Federal Reserve continues to expand its balance sheet, partially to purchase U.S. government debt securities.”
“About a decade ago, the total government holdings were “only” $2.5 trillion.”
So, the U.S. Government is in debt primarily to… itself!
Walter Burien has been trying to bring forward into the comprehension of the American and international people for many years, this is the sobering truth. And as many people are just beginning to wake up to Walter Burien’s tireless work at exposing the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) system of general accounting for all corporations, including the over 230,000 individual governments listed within the April 1, 2000 government census report, this fact is quite verifiable – as the CAFR is the audit of the government.
But wait, can a government really be in debt to itself?
Well, can you? Can you tell the IRS, for instance, that you borrowed money from your checking account and placed it into your savings account and therefore have no money available to pay the IRS because your checking account balance is at a negative balance because you owe your savings account money from your checking account (while gaining interest on that savings account in the meantime)?
No, you can’t…
But the question is, can government be in debt to itself?
Of course it can. For government makes its own rules. That’s the golden rule after all… He who holds the gold, makes the rules. And in this case, those who make the rules certainly hold most of the gold.
In fact, as shown in the 2010 CAFR for the Federal Reserve (fiscal year ending December 31, 2009), over $47 billion dollars was collected from the American people that year, every cent of which was placed into the accounts of the United States Treasury. And over the life of the Federal Reserve, over $687.6 billion dollars has been paid by the Federal Reserve to the U.S. Treasury in the form of “interest on Federal Reserve notes”. Would you have ever guessed that the U.S. Treasury is holding over 261 million troy ounces of gold – which is listed as “collateral” for Federal Reserve Notes in the Federal reserve CAFR?
You can only find this type of information in the audit of government – the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
I mention this mostly to dispel the popular fallacy that the Federal Reserve is somehow an autonomous agency without any ties to the Federal Government. This simply is not true. It is federal law that all government agencies file a CAFR each year, of which the Federal Reserve has been filing since this laws’ inception. The Audit of the Federal Reserve System can be found here:
Audit (CAFR) of the Federal Reserve Board Of Governors – Link:
Audit (CAFR) of each individual Federal Reserve Branch Bank – Link:
The term intergovernmental is a term used to describe the investment fund structure of all of these over 230,000 government Municipal Corporation (city/county), state, and federal corporate governments. As a standard of practice, these local, county, and district governments place their taxpayer money into what is called the State Treasurer’s Investment Funds (commingled funds), which are generally managed by the State Treasurer as trustee of those funds. The average daily balance of those funds is then invested into the bonded indebtedness of the United States governmental structure, called the U.S. Debt. These funds generally invest into such things as Federal securities, commercial paper, national/international banking institutions, municipal and federal bonds and warrants, and other forms of indebtedness, gaining interest and dividends from those investments. States hold these funds with the permission of the Federal U.S, code and one government makes a profit from another government via interest payments on these bonds – which is paid via taxation of the American people.
3. Other Investors/Savings Bonds
U.S. debt holdings $1.107 trillion
(From the article)
“With the most recent numbers from June 2011, this extremely diverse group includes individuals, government-sponsored enterprises, brokers and dealers, bank personal trusts, estates, savings bonds, corporate and non-corporate businesses, for a total of $1.107 trillion.”
“Although the level of debt held in U.S. savings bonds has remained basically constant since 2000, the broad category of “other” investors has nearly quadrupled since reaching a four-year low in December 2007.”
Note here that this group includes “government -sponsored enterprises”. Of course, this report doesn’t tell you that the vast majority of investment wealth that sits in these other funds like “individuals (corporate persons), brokers and dealers, bank personal trusts, and corporate and non-corporate businesses” is funded by government taxpayer money.
With the corporations/businesses that are listed here, when we understand that collectively the over 230,000 governments hold together majority stock ownership in all major corporations in the world through pension and other trust fund investment and are the main investors in savings bonds and other debt, this “category” is a very deceiving look into who actually holds and more importantly controls these savings bonds and investors through “corporate governance”.
5. Pension Funds
U.S. debt holdings: $842.2 billion
(From the article)
“Pension funds control large amounts of money, reserved for personal retirements, and thus are obligated to make relatively safe investments. This group, which includes private and local government pension funds, holds $842.2 billion in U.S. debt. The private pension fund category also includes U.S. Treasury securities held by the Federal Employees Retirement System Thrift Savings Plan G Fund.”
Because pension funds are mostly government controlled, and because the private/publicly traded corporations that have pension funds are held by government stock investment as their majority stake holders and vote through proxy shareholder voting rights on all that happens within these “private” and “public” corporations, government once again is in reality the holder of its own debt.
6. Mutual Funds
U.S. debt holdings: $653.5 billion
(From the article)
“According to the Federal Reserve, mutual funds hold the sixth-largest amount of U.S. debt compared to any other group, although mutual fund holdings have diminished by more than $105 billion since December 2008, including money market funds, mutual funds and closed-end funds, this group of investments managed about $653.5 billion in U.S. Treasury securities as of June 2011, which are the most recent numbers available.”
Here again, as with U.S. Savings Bonds, we find that the main holder of investments in mutual funds is indeed the government pension fund system listed above. Funds like Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street Corporation are always in the top holdings of government, especially in the pension system. (See: The Great Pension Fund Hoax for sources).
7. State and Local Governments
U.S. debt holdings: $484.4 billion
(From the article)
“U.S. state and local governments have nearly a half-trillion dollars invested in American debt, according to the Federal Reserve. The level of investment has remained stable since 2006, moving within the range of $484 billion and $576 billion. The current debt holdings, however, represent the lowest aggregate level for state and local governments since December 2005, when they stood at $481.4 billion.”
To reinforce the fact that government is the main shareholders of U.S. Debt securities, CNBC adds State and Local governments to the list. Again, through the commingled funds discussed earlier and as listed within all of the CAFR reports of local and state governments, we see that these government/municipal corporations are indeed the holder of vast amounts of public debt.
Remember, government charges the taxpayers with the responsibility for this debt, while it uses that wealth to purchase everything in sight! So government is in truth collecting interest and capital gains (tax free, of course) as well as dividends on the money that it borrows… from itself!!! The people pay their taxes in order to pay this interest, which is in reality a “profit” for the so-called “non-profit” government. It’s really a win-win situation for government investment funds, based on a fraud upon the people.
9. Depository Institutions
U.S. debt holdings: $284.5 billion
(From the article)
“As of June 2011 (the most recent numbers available), the Federal Reserve Board of Governors lists depository institutions as holding about $284.5 billion in U.S. debt.”“This group includes commercial banks, savings banks and credit unions. In 2011, its holdings more than tripled from the 2008 low of $105 billion. Between June and September 2011, holdings for depository institutions fell by nearly $44 billion.”
10. Insurance Companies
U.S. debt holdings: $250.1 billion
(From the article)
“According to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, insurance companies hold $250.1 billion in Treasury securities. This group includes property-casualty and life insurance firms.”
CNBC reports that – according to the Federal Reserve System – banks, financial institutions and insurance companies are majority shareholder of U.S. government debt instruments and securities.
Once again we must realize that the main stockholder of these publicly traded banks and insurance corporations, is in fact, the government itself, through its pension fund and other trust and investment funds.
For example, as of March 31, 2010, just the “New York State and Local Retirement System” pension fund held the following shares in banks and investment corporations:
Company Shares of Stock Market Value
Morgan Stanley 4,301,770 97,951,303
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. /the 1,961,585 207,967,242
Goldman Sachs Ssga Em Mrkts 8,934,287 102,501,423
Wells Fargo & Company 16,257,120 231,501,389
Bank of America Corp 23,819,237 162,447,196
Citigroup Inc. 18,601,505 47,061,808
Citigroup Inc. Depository Shares 199,368 3,046,343
American Express Company 4,249,664 57,922,920
American Financial Group Inc. 492,854 7,910,307
Visa Inc. – Class A 390,400 21,706,240
MasterCard Inc. – Class A 306,830 51,387,888
Zions BanCorp 558,029 5,485,425
Fifth Third Bancorp 2,678,672 7,821,722
Fannie Mae 6,000 4,200
Freddie Mac 6,100 4,636
Hartford Financ Serv Grp Inc. 1,099,070 8,627,700
Hudson City Bancorp Inc. 2,946,851 34,448,688
Western Union Company 2,656,147 33,387,768
Siemens AG 757,252 43,473,647
Experian Group Ltd 1,034,174 6,474,091
Equifax Inc. 626,161 15,309,636
Equinox Inc. 13,800 774,870
State Street Corp 1,867,120 57,469,954
People’s United Financial Inc. 1,234,207 22,178,700
Fidelity Nat Financial Inc. – CIA 839,867 16,385,805
Fidelity Nat Info Services Inc. 657,748 11,971,014
Westpac Banking Corp 298,305 3,956,638
Axis Bank Ltd 191,458 1,565,891
Discover Financial Services 1,874,548 11,828,398
Softbank Corp 3,664,300 46,596,748
Solera Holdings Inc. 556,652 13,793,837
Signature Bank 210,333 5,937,701
HSBC Holdings plc 8,349,382 47,271,967
HSBC Holdings plc 1,389,200 7,645,081
HSBC Holdings plc – Rights 893,766 1,806,322
Royal Bank of Canada 169,300 4,949,214
Royal Bank of Scotland 6,330,271 2,223,006
Royal Bank of Scotland, Rights 6,427,941 -0-
Allied Irish Banks 1,216,447 969,046
National Australia Bank 1,406,252 19,638,984
Aust & New Zealand Bank Group 701,045 7,671,606
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 19,794 477,637
National Bank of Canada 161,300 5,161,497
National Bank of Greece 102,386 1,551,051
Deutsche Bank AG – ADR 9,800 398,370
Deutsche Bank AG – Registered 654,969 26,888,105
Credit Suisse Group 1,174,244 35,793,762
Credit Suisse Group – Spons ADR 300 9,147
Bank Montreal Quebec 428,291 11,230,235
Bank Mutual Corp 94,860 859,432
Bank of Baroda 542,734 2,506,942
Bank of Communications 1,376,000 955,210
Bank of Cyprus Ltd 51,909 157,826
Bank of East Asia 2,605,019 5,028,527
Bank of Hawaii Corp 192,499 6,348,617
Bank of India 934,270 4,040,186
Bank of New York Mellon Corp 4,420,585 124,881,526
Credit Agricole S.A. 311,625 3,439,044
Credit Saison Company 14,918 144,241
Bank of Nova Scotia 149,900 3,701,779
First Bancorp Puerto Rico 143,010 609,223
Bank Yokohama Ltd Japan Ord 903,100 3,821,968
Hiroshima Bank Ltd/The 13,000 49,357
Bank of Kyoto Ltd/The 73,000 614,924
Osaka Gas Company Ltd 2,035,146 6,346,309
Bank of China Ltd – H 8,527,000 2,827,663
Ind Comm Bank of China Ltd 4,464,000 2,321,280
China Citic Bank – H 484,000 182,983
China Construction Bank – H 4,331,000 2,458,890
China Merchants Bank – H 283,000 494,428
Shizuoka Bank 183,000 1,637,866
Shinsei Bank Ltd 1,450,154 1,453,531
Chiba Bank 176,500 866,685
Cheung Kong (Holdings) 3,376,000 29,077,161
Hang Seng Bank Ltd 328,500 3,308,313
Hanmi Financial Corp 55,300 71,890
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Grp 6,409,847 30,890,829
Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Fin Co Ltd 1,600 33,370
Bangkok Bank 554,400 1,172,424
Bangkok Bank Public Co Ltd 446,200 937,316
Siam Comm Bank Public Co Ltd 376,900 579,192
Malayan Banking Berhad 802,525 849,745
Malayan Banking Berhad – Rights 361,136 -0-
Blackrock Inc. 7,135 927,835
Blackstone Group LP/the 1,289,215 9,346,809
Zurich Financial Services 9,387 1,486,829
Aetna Inc. 1,881,924 45,787,211
Cincinnati Financial Corp 736,150 16,835,751
First American Corp 496,770 13,169,373
First Bancorp Puerto Rico 143,010 609,223
First Cash Financial Services Inc. 48,800 728,096
First Commonwealth Finan Corp 394,940 3,503,118
First Financial – 144A GDR 48,113 444,083
First Financial Bancorp 62,100 591,813
First Financial Bankshares Inc. 54,475 2,624,061
First Financial Holding Company 978,455 451,546
First Financial Holdings Inc. 23,950 183,218
First Horizon National Corp 766,191 8,228,888
First Mercury Financial Corp 213,900 3,088,716
First Midwest Bancorp Inc. 280,825 2,412,287
First Niagara Financial Group Inc. 414,400 4,516,960
First Potomac Realty Trust 75,284 553,337
First Quantum Minerals Ltd 6,400 180,583
First Solar Inc. 39,400 5,228,380
Discover Financial Services 1,874,548 11,828,398
–For a closer look at this fund, go here:
And this is just one single pension fund! There are thousands of these investment funds out there, all controlled and used collectively to control the financial markets of the world.
Do you still believe that government is a non-profit public entity, or are you starting to understand that government is in fact organized crime to the extreme?
And that leads us to the other listed holders of United States debt.
Here, CNBC lists its most deceiving holder of debt:
2. China
U.S. debt holdings: $1.132 trillion
(From the article)
The largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury securities, China currently has $1.132 trillion in American debt, although it is down from all-time highs of $1.173 trillion in July 2011…
4. Japan
U.S. debt holdings: $1.038 trillion
(From the article)
“One of the U.S.’s largest trade partners, Japan is also one of the U.S.’s largest debt holders, currently owning $1.038 trillion in Treasury securities.”
Now, the biggest and most often portrayed fallacy in the mainstream media is that China holds U.S. Debt. But is this a true statement?
The answer to this question must be obtained by first asking a different question…
When CNBC refers to the abstract name of “China” as the 2nd largest holder of U.S. debt, is it referring to the government of China or to the geographical location of China? Ah… this is a very clever trick used to fool taxpayers into thinking that the country and government of China holds American debt. But here is the reality of the situation:
Over many years, American corporations (majority held by government investment in their stock) have been moving to China and setting up their manufacturing and investment corporations in that country, with the absolute permission of the Chinese government. With this build-up came trillions of dollars of investment capital from the U.S. government, building up China’s infrastructure to that of a 1st world country. Walter Burien has recently estimated those investments to be over $14 trillion in value, meaning that the well-being of China’s global corporate manufacturing base is solely dependent on American and European investment capital.
In short, China houses American corporations, which sell their product back to America. And without the pollution, health, and employment protections and regulations that are imposed upon these American corporations while operating in America, they are able to pay pennies to the Chinese workers and pollute the country with very few regulatory infringements.
If China were to suddenly threaten the United States in any way, American corporations would pull out of China to sufficiently destroy the economic prosperity that American corporations have allowed. In short, these $14 trillion in investments in China’s infrastructure and marketplace makes China all but a colony of the American/European military and industrial manufacturing complex. And the thought of “China” doinganything to change this, including demanding what little U.S. debt it might actually own, is patently ridiculous.
The U.S. debt that is listed here as held by “China” is held by the investment structure that has been built up by American interests.
So who owns the corporations that are taking on American debt securities in these two countries?
Let’s go back to the New York Pension Fund and see what is happening here:
Company Shares of Stock Market Value
Banks and Investments
Bank Yokohama Ltd Japan Ord 903,100 3,821,968
Hiroshima Bank Ltd/The 13,000 49,357
Bank of Kyoto Ltd/The 73,000 614,924
Osaka Gas Company Ltd 2,035,146 6,346,309
Bank of China Ltd – H 8,527,000 2,827,663
Ind Comm Bank of China Ltd 4,464,000 2,321,280
China Citi Bank – H 484,000 182,983
China Construction Bank – H 4,331,000 2,458,890
China Merchants Bank – H 283,000 494,428
Shizuoka Bank 183,000 1,637,866
Shinsei Bank Ltd 1,450,154 1,453,531
Chiba Bank 176,500 866,685
Cheung Kong (Holdings) 3,376,000 29,077,161
Hang Seng Bank Ltd 328,500 3,308,313
Hanmi Financial Corp 55,300 71,890
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Grp 6,409,847 30,890,829
Tokyo Electric Power Company 359,150 8,945,115
Tokyo Electron Ltd 363,650 13,401,701
Tokyo Gas Company 2,375,746 8,298,394
China Petroleum Chemical 3,982,000 2,548,480
China Power Int. Dvlp Ltd 6,012,000 1,194,643
China Coal Energy Company 416,000 307,035
China Oilfield Services 212,000 167,685
China Shenhua Energy Co 341,000 768,240
Chiyoda Chemical Engineering 935,400 4,962,535
Chubu Electric Power Co Inc. 241,917 5,314,973
Shanghai Electric Grp Co Ltd 12,052,000 3,467,866
Shinsei Bank Ltd 1,450,154 1,453,531
Nissan Chemical Industries Ltd 41,500 344,958
China Coal Energy Company – H 416,000 307,035
Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd 5,485,330 8,649,127
Hong Kong Electric Holds Ltd 3,200,500 18,996,516
Mitsubishi Electric Corp 3,036,548 13,557,939
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical CO Inc. 4,000 17,009
Toyota Motor Company 1,764,412 55,735,197
Toyota Industries Corp 177,163 3,757,786
Toyota Tsusho Corp 143,200 1,371,542
Honda Motor – ADR 188,000 4,455,600
Honda Motor Company 1,297,926 30,421,167
Mazda Motor Corp 715,000 1,187,203
Nissan Motors Japanese Ord 4,282,864 15,176,697
Mitsubishi Corp 859,769 11,185,615
Mitsubishi Motors Corp 271,000 342,969
Hyundai Motor Company Ltd 30,860 1,238,193
Yamaha Corp 42,813 414,823
Yamaha Motor Company Ltd 184,000 1,630,050
Motorola Inc. 9,547,354 40,385,307
Qwest Communications Int. Inc. 4,735,734 16,196,210
Vodafone Group plc – Spons ADR 109,595 1,909,145
Vodafone Group plc New 56,080,988 98,670,972
Samsung Electronics Company Ltd 4,489 1,843,305
Ericsson LM Tele Co – Spons ADR 126,820 1,025,974
Ericsson LM Tele Co – B Shares 7,402,571 60,439,750
Nokia Oyj 2,005,360 23,643,146
Nokia Oyj Corp – Sponsored ADR 151,200 1,764,504
These are some of the corporations that are holding U.S. Debt. Again, we are seeing that the U.S. government is essentially borrowing money from its own investment held corporations. Then they are nationalizing that debt onto the backs of the American people, and using the profits of the bonded indebtedness of the people not for the people, but to further government ownership and control over the world corporate structure. Then it demonizes China and assigns a false power onto its government for “holding U.S. debt”.
Moreover, the people of America eat it up, because we can never imagine that we ourselves are the problem; that our ignorance of our government and our consent to its theft and deceit is really what’s wrong with the world. America’s creed has been to blame China, blame Iran, blame Iraq, and blame Afghanistan. Most of all blame Russia… But just disregard our own actions.
So thanks CNBC… you almost told the truth! Fortunately there are anomalies like Walter Burien and Clint Richardson to read between the lines and translate what the Fake News continually fails to mention.
But then, government owns the Mainstream Media too, so what could we expect?
Walt Disney Company/the 7,975,404 144,833,337
News Corp – Class A 7,746,798 51,283,803
Time Warner Cable Inc. 1,476,825 36,625,251
Time Warner Inc. 4,885,448 94,289,152
CBS Corp – Class B 3,518,760 13,512,038
General Electric Company 39,551,471 399,865,372
Sony Corp 811,290 16,411,435
Sony Financial Holdings Inc. 24 63,906
Vivendi Universal 2,414,568 63,876,002
Viacom Inc. – Class B 2,363,387 41,075,666
Discovery Commun Inc. – Series A 79,244 1,269,489
Discovery Commun Inc. – Series C 78,831 1,154,874
Marvel Entertainment Inc. 175,800 4,667,490
Comcast Corp – Class A 10,473,672 142,860,886
Comcast Corp – Special Class A 20,259 260,733
DreamWorks Anim SKG Inc. – A 285,700 6,182,548
DISH Network Corp – Class A 475,200 5,279,472
DIRECTV Group Inc./The 2,048,939 46,695,320
In the end, of the over $15 trillion of U.S. debt that this report refers to, we can rest assured that approximately 70-80% of that debt is self-funded by the United States government, and the rest by government held investment corporations.
So, how will we ever pay ourselves? Answer: We won’t.
However, as long as we the people do nothing, the government will continue to raise our taxes and destroy any chance of our recovery. The tyrannical corporate cabal that we falsely call “government” and its blatant usury will continue. Taxpayer’s will continue pay the national debt plus interest simply to support this government investment fund con, and all other criminal enterprises, like human and drug trafficking, money laundering, ecocide and war will all be excused as necessary in order to maintain our dominance on this little globe that we call Earth.
The government owned media will continue to tell us that this thing is “too big to fail”, as if that is a good excuse to ignore the problem and continue to justify undeclared wars. It will end in a Nazi inspired, Fascist; U.N. controlled Global Government where the rights of the individual are trumped by the rights of the collective.
The above information and commentary, is courtesy of blogger Clint Richardson and research from Walter Burien from
What all of this means is that the United States has become a “Fascist Country”! It was done with the help of the Fascist Jesuits and the Nazis from Operation Paper Clip! Moreover, the aging population of America is considered little more than a collection of individual economic units that has become a depreciating asset as it ages.
Each economic unit matures upon the death of the individual. Therefore retirement by the people of the United States once they reach a certain age is another total con. This con which makes us worth more dead than alive to those who believe that they own us, needs to be disclosed to every man, woman and child on this continent!
The ball is in our court and we are arriving at the point of no return!
Therefore we need to remove our consent and declare our sovereignty and our rights as the owners of our own individual selves, our country and of our resources. How? Two words; DISCLOSE CAFRS! That should be the meme we use, to call out every one of these Fascists, fake journalists and political hacks, who talk about “debt and unaffordability!” This is the ultimate truth that will finally set us free! Moreover its purpose, which has been hidden, will have to be revealed….. But that is for another article so stay tuned….
First, we need to follow the money in order to truly understand how to reform our financial system. Then, we need to go about building something that promotes all human evolution as creative, compassionate caretakers of our world rather than as horrified spectators of its final exploitation and violent demise.
We were taught that free market economic activity and the individual’s relationship forged under our social contract, with our government, was underpinned by a just and moral rule of law. The Supreme Court, called it “the concept of ordered liberty”. On that basis, we have relied upon the laws of contracts, to justly order our economic activities, our world-view and the entrustment of the fruits of our labors.
For that we have asked our government to use our taxes to create a sacred trust from what we have built and endeavored to preserve for the American people and the freedom loving future generations of our planet.
However, what if the contracts upon which we based the value of what “We the American People paid for” and perceived to be no less than the opportunity to live in a FREE country is all based upon fraud?
What if what we have been paying for in exchange for our perception of “ordered liberty” translates into more military industrial complex dollars and the spilled blood of more innocents killed, in the pursuit of other people’s resources, for the Corporate Empire? What if that Empire uses America’s people to hide behind and to commit atrocities in our name?
What if we are really funding our own slavery and ultimate demise with our tax dollars? What if we have been deprived of our birthright, synthesized in a list of inalienable rights spelled out in our most sacred of constitutional documents?
What if the “legal detriment,” offered through lifetimes of labor, by untold millions of Americans, has been stolen, through fraud and deceit and no contract has ever been “validly formed?”
My question is, “Did our economic system really ever muster the integrity that was needed, to become the power which could effectively propel mankind forward in the pursuit of happiness, which was mandated by the First Fathers of our fledgling nation?”
“Will reform effectively empower future generations of Americans to fully realize the American Dream? Or are we trying to fix a system that was never really just, moral, or could honestly work as a means to empower people in the first place?”
Economic reform needs to be based upon removing money’s inherent ability, when used as an end, to deceive, exploit, corrupt, control and enslave humanity. Time is of the essence, since the misplaced power of money, continues to destroy our beautiful planet, every living thing upon it and the only home that we have, in the process!